Europe Is Doing Well In 2015 With Motorcycle Sales
It looks like the financial crisis is finally blowing over in Europe. During the first 11 months of 2015, a total of 1.151.657 new motorcycles and three-wheelers were registered in the 28 European countries; an increase of 4.4% over 2014.

Spain, the most badly hit during the financial/economic crisis, had the best results. They registered 138.590 units, an increase of 16,7% over 2014. This means more and more Spaniards are back buying new motorcycles and scooters.

Of the big countries, the United Kingdom is second best, with 109.542 registered units, an increase of 12,7%. Italy had 190.405 units with 6,2% increase, while Germany had 176.711 new units, an increase of 3%.

The biggest increase for all 28 countries is for Ireland, where they saw an increase of 30,6% in new registrations (a total of 1.232 units).

Of the bigger countries, France was one of the bad students: they had an decrease of -4,2%, representing “only” 227.817 units. Other countries that had a decrease in the number of registrations: Austria (-5,2%), Croatia (-16,5%), Denmark (-2,3%), Estonia (-2,8%), Finland (-15,6%), Hungary (-2,3%), Latvia (-10,5%), Lithuania (-16,1%), Luxembourg (-6,8%) and Poland (-1,3%).

Of the 1.1 million Powered Two Wheelers (PTW), 846.087 were motorcycles and scooters over 50cc, while 305.570 were 50cc mopeds (a decrease of 7%).

So it's looking good for the European Union. After a few bad years, things are picking up, not only in the North American market, but also overseas.

Source: ACEM

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