Cage driver faced similar charges in 2007 |
A video of a car swerving and hitting a motorcycle coming up on the left has gone viral. |
More importantly the driver, Wayne Crum was arrested and charged with two counts of aggravated assault. It’s not the first time he’s had an issue like this. He was convicted of assault-related charges in two other cases. |
Crum is accused of illegally crossing lanes to run into a motorcycle in mid-October. The rider wrecked. He and his girlfriend were taken to a hospital. The passenger, the driver’s girlfriend, did spend some time in intensive care, but is expected to recover. |
Video, which does contain some profanity, shows Crum clearly swerving into another lane and then swerving back into his lane. |
The video was captured by a second rider with a helmet cam. From what the video shows, both bikers were breaking the law by passing in a no-passing zone. |
Most critical of all, the video also shows Crum, 68, saying “I don’t care!” when confronted by the second rider immediately after the accident. |
Interviewed later, Crum said, “I knew it was no passing there. I thought it was someone acting like an idiot.” |
In the aftermath, Crum has offered two similar, but not exactly the same explanations. He said he was stung on the inner thigh. Then, he said a spider bit him on the inner thigh. In both cases he said the pain was enough to cause him to swerve and hit the motorcycle. |
He also expressed some remorse about the incident, telling at least one reporter that he owed an apology to the motorcycle passenger, but not the driver. |
As for Eric Sanders, the driver of the motorcycle, he’s got legal problems of his own now. He was charged with passing in a no-passing zone and driving with an invalid license. |
The Fort Worth Star-Telegram got a phone call not long after the video went viral. The caller said Crum had done similar in the past. |
Reporter Ryan Osbourne wrote, “Crum was convicted in 1994 in Somervell County of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and in 2007 in Somervell County of reckless driving and making a terroristic threat.” |
The ’07 charges involve Crum taking a swipe at two boys on a golf cart. He missed them, but was still charged and convicted. |
The Star-Telegram investigation turned up a conviction for Family Violence in 1989. In 1993, charges of making silent or abusive calls to 911 were dismissed. |
Sanders said he is eager for this matter to go to trial. |
Viral Video Wreck Charges

Tags: Motorcycle news