The recent brawl in Denver is linked to a dispute between two motorcycle clubs, the Iron Order and the Mongols.
One is a 1%er MC and the other claims to not be a 1%er MC. That second claim has people wondering, especially since the MC has been linked to violence in other places.
The Mongols brag about being a 1%er. The website's opening page says, "The baddest 1%er Motorcycle Club known worldwide."
The Iron Order (IOMC) vigorously denies that it is a 1%er club. It is being characterized as an MC made up mostly of law enforcement officers, something the club also denies. "However we do have officers of the law spread throughout our club. We do not run as an LEMC," states the website's FAQ page. The Iron Order started in July 4, 2004.
Mainstream media stories about the Denver rumble characterize the IOMC as a law enforcement officer (LEO) MC. The Denver Post says of the Iron Order, "A motorcycle club known for its inclusion of law enforcement officers."
That idea appears to have some truth to it.
"More than half of our guys are military or law enforcement. We have doctors, a lawyer — I'm the only lawyer — we've got professionals, CPAs, and we have working ‘Joes' too, that just have nothing else better to do than to ride bikes," said John Whitfield in a recent interview.
Whitfield is an attorney and is listed by The Aging Rebel as an Iron Order founder. Whitfield's comments argue against him being a founding member. "I got involved with it a couple of years ago…" Whitfield said in another interview. The IOMC website does not say who founded the club, beyond 8 men only identified by nicknames.
The IOMC website does admit to having LEO in the ranks, as well as riders from many other walks of life. "We are veterans, active duty military, construction workers, truck drivers, businessmen, cops, feds, cooks, and any other occupation you can think of," it says.
The IOMC says it is setting itself apart from other MCs. Among the requirements are no illegal activities. The FAQ page says about marijuana, "No and Hell NO! No illegal drugs whatsoever!! In fact no illegal anything!!!" According to Steve Cook, executive director of the Midwest Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigators Association, the IOMC requires members to have a concealed-carry weapons permit as a way to vet members for past criminal activity.
Whitfield backed that up in the interview with Bikers of America. He said, "We don't like drug dealers, and we don't let felons in. We don't let them in — period."
Media reports state the IOMC cooperates with police and has sought police protection when threatened by other MCs.
The Denver incident is not the first time The Iron Order has been linked to violence.
A member of the Black Pistons MC was shot and killed in 2014 by a member of the IOMC. The Florida Times Union reports the shooting was "justifiable homicide," self-defense in other words. IOMC recruit Kristopher Stone was attacked by three members of the Black Pistons. By the time he shot, his nose was broken.
An IOMC member was stabbed by another gang member in 2011 in South Carolina. IOMC members were attacked in Baltimore in 2014 by members of the Iron Horsemen. Three riders were attacked at a stoplight in Maryland. One was run off the road in Texas. The IOMC and the Outlaws have clashed in Kentucky.
Each one of the reported incidents saw IOMC members attacked first. Where an IOMC response is reported, it's often listed as self-defense.
Media reports that speak of the IOMC as "violent" club or one not too distant from the 1%ers refer to a Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) report on MCs and the military. This report mentions the IOMC 8 times. Each reference is to the IOMC and it being attacked by other MCs members
The ATF report does say the IMOC could be accused of provoking other clubs because of the 3-piece patches members wear. 1%ers often wear 3-piece patches on the back of their vests.
Whitfield said some of the members like the 3-piece with a top and bottom rocker because "there's a little bit of danger that kicks in, and it kind of makes these weekend warriors feel like they are a little bit dangerous. But we're not." The ATF report says, "The fact that they wear the State bottom rocker has infuriated the HAMC, Outlaws, Iron Horsemen, Pagans and Bandidos." The IOMC says they have the right, under the First Amendment, to wear the patches.
Other clubs, which are decidedly not 1%ers, also wear 3-piece patches, but they do not have problems with the 1%ers.
The Blue Knights is an MC for LEO. It has an 3-piece patch. The CMA has a vest patch that has 3 elements