Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Posted by Mike Werner on Jan 28th 2016

For many the book by Robert Pirsig is a classic. But for many it’s also a discussion issue whether the book is a philosophy book or a motorcycle book. However, according to its author, it’s neither.
Robert Pirsig is an American author who used to write computer manuals for a living. He spent four years writing his masterpiece, and even then, no one wanted to publish it. Finally, after trying with 121 publishers, he found one. And it got sold 5 million times!
So what is “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An inquiry into Values”? The 418-page book is a book about a person (the author), his son and two friends who are travelling by motorcycle through the USA. It’s a comparison in values between two different styles; self-maintenance of your motorcycle and the “don’t-touch-it-I’ll-leave-it-to-the-pros” style. The author maintains his own motorcycle, his riding buddy does not.
So when reading the book, as a motorcycle fan, you understand the fundamental issues he is touching on the motorcycle side. Even if you fall in the latter style category, the “I’m-not-touching-the-bike-for-repairs”, you will still understand concepts like “engine idle” or “rich mixture”. It will make sense to you.
If you are someone who likes philosophy, questioning things in life (like” why am I on earth”, or “what is the meaning of life”), the book will make sense to you as well. It’s difference between “romantics” versus “rational” personalities.
And if you are a philosophical biker, you’ll be in hog heaven by reading the book.
Reading a classic book like this is always recommended. But it’s a long book, and at times deep (although Pirsig does go out of his way to make things simple). It took me a few weeks to finish the book; taking breaks in between chapters, but I’m glad I finished it. And I’m a biker, not a philosopher (my only philosophy is “where is my next meal”).
So go out and get yourself a copy if you haven’t read it before. And if you have, let us know what you thought of this iconic book.
